<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VPLF9K9rGv8" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> Sebuah tulisan yang terinspirasi dari episode Thirty Days of Lunch bersama Armand Maulana dengan judul Jalan Yang Jauh Jangan Lupa Pulang. Merantau, bukan hanya secara fisik, pergi dari kampung halaman, berpisah jarak dengan orang tua dan keluarga. Merantau juga bisa secara metafor. Merantau antar bidang profesi untuk menemukan "passion", karena prosesnya membuat kita lebih mengenal diri kita sendiri, apa yang kita suka dan tidak, juga apa yang kita bisa dan tidak. Juga merantau antar generasi untuk bisa tetap relevan dengan perubahan zaman dan mendobrak tembok pembatas antar generasi. Satu hal yang saya suka adalah bagaimana kerendahhatian Kang Arma...
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 EVERYONE! I hope 2022 will be brighter than the past 2 years. I do have hope after what we’ve been through. It wasn’t easy, but we managed to stay alive. This year I don’t want only “to stay alive”, I want to fill my days learning, experiencing, and exploring new things. Today I read #88LOVELIFE vol. 3 and I want to quote 1 page as a reminder for myself to put fixing-broken-relationships as number 1 priority this year. #49 When we talk about chasing our dreams or travelling the world, we tell ourselves to start now, start young, start early. “Better late than never” is the mindset we carry in exploring the best life has to offer because “you only live once.” But we forget something bigger applies just the same when it comes to time; to apologize and make amends with the people we have hurt. Many times we delay the simple act of saying “sorry” and making effort to fix relationships because we think there will always be another time. And yet, the longer we do, chance...